Cut Content

This article is to showcase all the cut content, and assets that didn't make it into the game. I encourage you to download the zip file on the main page to view the soundtrack and cut sound effects.

The Pacing

The game starts with a cut scene of the player flying through space, giving the exposition and introducing the story of the game. The player is to explore and collect materials from the mysterious planet they are heading toward. After the cut scene you are dropped into the first area of the game.

Level 1: The Surface

Bridge at the beginning of level 1.

When you enter the first area, your ship will be facing to the right, you continue to the right and find a bridge blocking the way down, maybe there is something the other way. When you explore the other way you encounter the sleeping rock strider, who wakes up, and will walk the other direction and break the bridge, in the form of a cut scene. There was a planned animated background that showed a heard of silhouetted rock striders walking in the parallax background. After you go under the bridge you enter the next area.

Planned parallax background, with rock strider silhouette

broken bridge sprite

Level 2: The Canyons

I think it's fair to say that the canyons were the least fleshed out part of the game. The objective here is to mine crystals which serve as a power source to the main space station. While you're moving through this part of the game, you hear ominous sounds of alien creatures, and a pulsing heart beat. After you mine these crystals you venture deeper into the next level.

parallax background for the canyon
rock variations found in the canyons

Level 3: The Caves

After the canyons, the player ventures deep into the caves, where the lights go dark and the heart beating sounds get louder. It's dark so you can only rely on your headlights to see what's directly in front of you. The cave is a long dark stretch. You encounter a dead carcass of a rock strider serving as a mini jump scare and ominous sounds will play at this moment. At the end of the cave you encounter the beating heart, which you are prompted to mine. When you mine it the screen goes black, and you hear a squish followed by a painful scream. When your lights turn back on the room starts filling up with blood, and intense music plays as you are trying to escape in time. You eventually make it out.

the heart
dead rock strider

The ending

Once you escape some hopeful music will play, and you've made it out safe... until the creature jumps up and eats your ship in a jump scare.

The screen goes back.

concept for the creature that kills you


We were not able to make this project come to life as planned, due to the sudden switch of programmers at the last minute, as well as some technical difficulties with the code. Special thanks, to Rikuwru, who did the music and sound design, Wizzwer, who did the programming, and David, who was our original programmer, and the one who brought all of us together and made this team possible. We don't have a finished project, but perhaps we will revisit it in the future.

- Linkio, the pixel artist


f (3).zip Play in browser
Sep 24, 2023

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