Play as a fighter pilot on a mission to destroy the enemy carrier, through challenging bullet hell game play. For the Bullet Hell Jam 5, this is my first ever solo game jam submission and my second ever and also biggest completed game. I don't think I really had a strong idea in terms of it fitting the theme of consequence (you die in one hit), but other than that I'm quite proud of it. The game is quite challenging at first, but I've found it takes about 15 minutes to beat for people who don't play many games. Patience and persistence is key to success. Please feel free to leave constructive criticism for this, as I plan to make a longer game of this style in the future, so it will be appreciated.

 Most of the art assets were drawn by me with the exception of the explosions, all of the assets used are credited below as follows:

Level music by shiru8bit:

Boss music by KLY:\

Explosion sprites by BDragon1727:

Title music by SketchyLogic:

Game over music by jkfite01:

Fonts by Lana Ro:

Sound Effects by SubspaceAudio:

I hope you enjoy the game. I had tons of fun making it!

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